This image represents the approximate size and style of large and medium sized wrapped bouquets available all year long. Dried Bouquets are available in the winter and fresh flowers are available March through November.
Wrapped Bouquet
Wrapped Bouquet
Laura holding large and medium bouquets with a light pink, white, and yellow color scheme of summer flowers (zinnias, cosmos, lisianthus, dahlias, and other blooms)
Laura holding a large and medium bouquet of pink summer flowers grown in her city lot garden.

Wrapped Bouquet

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Simply bursting with colorful local blooms during May to September, the Wrapped Bouquet is definitely not your average grocery store posy draped in baby’s breath and wrapped in plastic. These stems sit in a compostable bag and are wrapped in brown paper and white tissue paper. Graced with a bouquet card and personal message, it becomes a medium or large-sized portable gift delivered to you or to your loved one’s door.

Early Autumn bouquets highlight the sumptuous textures of heirloom chrysanthemums, amaranth, dahlias, sunflowers, branches of berries, fall-tinged foliage, seed pods, cosmos, zinnias, strawflower, statice, hydrangea, ornamental grasses, tweedia, rudbeckia, phlox, and snapdragons, and garden roses. In late autumn (after the first frost), this product is no longer available until May 1st.

This product is only available in a “gardener’s choice” colors palette to give me the freedom to select loveliest blooms and complimentary colors available. Please choose a card message, and include a personalized note in "delivery instructions" on the cart page if sending flowers to someone directly. The cost of of this product includes delivery* within the city of Bellingham, WA. If the delivery address is outside the Bellingham city limits, then please select the corresponding cost in the check-out process. Delivery costs range from $9 to $24 for most of Whatcom County (No more than 30 minutes for Bellingham).

*For residential addresses with an exterior door, we knock/ring and leave the flowers on the doorstep. For large residential buildings or business locations, we leave the flowers at the front desk.